Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hola Todos!!

Estamos aqui!  We made it!  Our flight was calm, and we made it to Guatemala to find ourselves greeted by my friend Ruben’s father (Misael).  I came here two years ago to visit, and this family has accepted me as one of their own.  We are currently staying in an extra apartment they have in the back of their house, and they have been constantly entertaining and feeding us.  Shortly after our arrival Josiah asked if there was a place nearby to get his hair cut and next thing I know we are in a shopping center and OFF IT CAME!  Now he is back to looking like the boy who first stole my heart on the salsa floor.  J  Today Julia and Misael (my Guatemalan parents) took us to Antigua.  This city is sooooooooooo nice.  It used to be the capital of Guatemala.   We spent a lot of time sitting in the Central Park people watching, playing hacky sack, and of course I had to drink some coffee.  There are a lot of different cultures in Antigua and a lot of Foreigners live there now.  I can’t help but think Nathan and Anna (my brother and his wife) should live there for sometime.


    Our next few days are going to be spent here with my family traveling around to various places.  We are trying to figure out our next plan of action when we venture out to visit some of the non-profit organizations we have contacted.  I am loving watching Josiah’s reactions to things.  He has such child like facial expressions when learning new things and seeing things that surprise him.  He is also really surprising me with his ability to communicate and understand Spanish!  Yaaaaaay!  People also constantly mention how he looks Latino (I wonder why!?  Hehe)  So this makes me feel at least a little less obvious that we are tourists. 


 I’ve been taking pictures that will soon appear on facebook.  I hate to rub this in, but it’s 75 degrees and beautiful here.  I love you all and hasta pronto!



Andrea said...

thanks for the updates!!!! i bet it is fun seeing josiahs face....hes so cute:)

enjoy the weather...its been snowy and icy here the last few days.booo

im anxious to hear about all the non profit stuff!

Lea Lovell said...

Angie! I have it down on my calendar that your going away party is on January 29th! I didn't know that you were leaving already. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you and that it's been so long... Enjoy yourself... I'm going to keep watching your blog, so write often! :)

Leslie said...

I am excited you are keeping a Blog. I am jealous of your adventure you are having. Stay safe! love you

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to read both of your blogs... I could really see it in my mind. I felt like I was right there. Keep posting ... Keep Safe.. and enjoy every moment.
It snowed today FYI. I'm jealous of your sunshine. Kate

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad to hear that you made it safely! Thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm so excited for you guys! I loved Antigua, I highly recommend climbing the volcano if you get the chance! It's mind-blowing peering down into its fiery mouth...and the lack of safety regulations is incredible. Have fun, be safe, and give my love to my latin american people. :)